Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not so happy...

Happy Birthday Mom.

I miss you, the kids miss you and generally everyone I've talked to lately misses your smile.

Sis and I are going to town to each lunch today. I told the kids I'd get some flowers to plant and a couple of balloons to release. Rokimus started crying last night. He misses you. If I remember correctly, it's the first time he's really cried about you being gone. There's so much that you're not here to see, to touch, to respond to. I know you like the term "stop to smell the flowers" but I'm going to have to take your post-surgery version of "flip the flowers" for today. I am happy that you were born, I am grateful that we had you for as long as we did and knew you until our adulthood and that my kids have memories of you. But really - this sucks.

Take care - Me


Anonymous said...

Not so happy, but beautifully written. Keep those good thoughts and memories and then smile, which I hope will make you feel better. "Take care - you."

Anonymously yours.

tlm said...

Yes, it sucks that we lost your Mom and my Dad before we were ready (not that we would really have ever been ready), but thank (insert the name of your most revered deity here) we had them as long as we did!

Happy Birthday, wherever you are, to one of my favorite knitters.

We miss you, but we will never forget you.

camille said...

Oh Jen, so sorry to now only see this post. Happy Bday Miss Janice, who we all loved so much! I am glad to see that refreshing beverage in the pic, you deserve one :-)